The Third Millenium’ Cosmic Poliart


«The Sacral Book of ISIS» by Victoria PreobRAzhensky

«СофиоЛогия Матери Мира»


Cosmic Music of Victoria Preobrazhensky is the Source of Healing Light -FOHAT. The Particles of Light fills Your Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit and Transform Your Consciousness into the Multi-Dimensional Consciousness of the GREAT MOTHER GODDESS - The Divine Matrix of Light. Every Album is Unique, and translates the special frequancy of the Universal Harmony. You can listen to Albums of the Cosmic Healing Music online, by the link given above (everything what you need, just to chose the album and click by it), as well as, order the CDs in Our Esoteric Store online...(it is in Russian for now, but you can fill the form in english and copy the name of the album)

Сosmic Music
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. «Singing bowls. Relax.»

40th Author's Album, Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)
«Singing bowls. Relax»

«Singing bowls. Relax»            

40th Author's Album, 2023       
/Music and Performance — of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya/

25.12.2023 07:03 (Прочтено: 181)
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Сosmic Music
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. «Healing bowls» (My Asceticism to Shani).

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. «Healing bowls». (My Asceticism to Shani) (Video)

39th Author's Album. Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya.
«Healing bowls» (My Asceticism to Shani).

«Healing bowls»  

(My Asceticism to Shani)

39th Author's Album, 2022 

Spontaneous Music for harmonization and purification of the soul. Singing bowls. Recorded by Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya during a 40-day austerity dedicated to Shani. Music and Performance — Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya.

26.12.2022 13:12 (Прочтено: 377)
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Сosmic Music
The Album «TRIUMPH» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

38th Author's Album, 2022
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)


38th Author's Album, 2022       
/Words, Music and Performance — of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

The new 38th Album of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya Brings the listener to a new Vibrational level, which makes it possible to realize the Saving Coming of the Mother of the World and Her Triumphant Victoria of Light. Music is suitable for high Meditation, and Songs performed by the Author and Sounded mantras Fill the soul with joy and peace.

13.09.2022 08:10 (Прочтено: 342)
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Сosmic Music
The Album «MATRIPADMAt» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

36rd Author's Album, 2020
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)

«The new Album of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — includes mystical Performance in Sanskrit of protective mantras and mantras praising the Triune Mother — Matripadma. In the Author's Interpretation, mantras receive a new unexpected sound and not only purify space and soul, but also introduce the listener into a high meditative state, creating a kind of flight over the illusion. Mrityunjaya mantra — Mantra of Immortality Performed 54 times — half of the sacred number 108. For, 108 times did not fit in the Album format. Fragments from the Author's Poem «The PaRAdise of My LOVE» open to the listener the Pictures of the Spiritual Kingdom, Described by the Mother of the World in Her Teaching.

We wish you a Wonderful Flight!»

(Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya)

25.12.2020 11:12 (Прочтено: 364)
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Сosmic Music
The Album «BLESS GIVING» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

35rd Author's Album, 2020
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)

«The New Album of Songs was Performed by the Author to Her Poems and Music — reveals to the listener the Intimate Moments from the Life of the Mother of the World and Her Incomprehensible Spiritual World.»

(Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya)

24.12.2020 07:09 (Прочтено: 365)
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Сosmic Music
The Album «The Prayer of Light» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

34rd Author's Album, 2020
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)
«The Prayer of Light»

«The Prayer of Light — is a Protective WORD from Darkness, Given by the Mother of the World in 1993 from Above. She Has the Power to Strike hordes of darks, to Heal diseases, to Prevent troubles.With a new sounding Az — the Prayer of Light Finds Absolute Power, Becomes the Sword of Spirit, Smashing the Antichrist on the spot! The 24 Holy Lines — are Harmonious and Magical in Their Fohatic Visualization. Earthling, become a Human, an eternal soul, radiating Pure Fohat — the Light of the Solar Mother of Above-world RUS! AUM RA! URA!»

(Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya)

23.12.2020 03:12 (Прочтено: 372)
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Сosmic Music
33rd Author's Album Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

Spontaneous Music to harmonize and purify the soul
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)
Singing bowls, hang

33rd Author's Album, 2020
/Words, Music and Performance — of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

16.08.2020 01:36 (Прочтено: 348)
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Сosmic Music
The Album «Prayer to Sophia» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

32st Author's Album, 2020
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)
«Prayer to Sophia»

(Music for High Meditation and comprehension)
/Words, Music and Performance — of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

The spontaneous Music of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya is directed into deep of soul and subconsciousness. Heals and makes you think about the meaning of life.

15.08.2020 23:33 (Прочтено: 360)
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Сosmic Music
The Album «Ocean of Time» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

31st Author's Album, 2020
Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)
«Ocean of Time»

(Music for High Meditation and comprehension)
/Words, Music and Performance — of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

The spontaneous Music of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya reveals the depths of the subconscious, cleans the soul, leads to the Otherworld...

15.08.2020 23:11 (Прочтено: 370)
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Сosmic Music
The Album «My Supreme LOVE!» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

The first Author's Album of Mystical Songs Mother of the World
Maria DEVI CHRISTOS (Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya)
«My Supreme LOVE!»

/Words, Music and Performance — of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
(Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya)/

Album «My Supreme LOVE!» (© 2564 St. PA.) — is the Collection of Songs, Author of Poem, Music and Performer Is Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS (Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya). Many of these Divine Songs was Written in wandering, and later — in the prison torture chambers. They are — Purity and Power of Divine LOVE, Source of Life Itself. Who hear This will heal body and soul.

17.10.2016 17:17 (Прочтено: 1051)
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